Project TAMMI
Service Provider
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and Northwell Health
Can This Service Be Accessed Virtually / Remotely?
Service Description
Project TAMMI is a research study that tests whether different types of text messages and assessments are helpful to people who want to cut down on their drinking. These text messages are based on studies that have been shown to help people reduce their drinking in the short-term, but we are examining the effects over time. Individuals who enroll will be randomly assigned to one of three groups which vary in the amount and type of messages. This project is being conducted through the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research at Northwell Health, and is sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
No insurance needed
Always Free?
Participant Payment
If eligible, participants receive compensation
Service Focus
Addiction / Substance Misuse, Co-occurring Mental and Substance Use Disorders
Eligibility Criteria
Over the age of 18, currently drinking more than they would like and want to cut down or moderate their drinking, but not quit altogether at this time.
Age Groups Served
Adults, Seniors / Older Adults, Young Adults
Specialized Services for Gender Groups
No specialized services
Racial / Ethnic Groups Served
No specialized services
Specialized Services for LGBTQ+
No specialized services
Special Groups Served
Not applicable
Deaf or Hard of hearing, Physically Disabled
Yes there is a waitlist
Eligible States
National Availability (all 50 states)
Date Last Updated