Virtual Hope Box
Service Provider
National Center for Telehealth & Technology
Can This Service Be Accessed Virtually / Remotely?
Service Description
An application that teaches and guides skills practice for adult individuals struggling with depression. Categories of techniques include distraction, inspiration, relaxation and coping. The distraction techniques include games that require focus, like Sudoku and word puzzles. The relaxation techniques offer a variety of guided and self-controlled meditation exercises. The coping techniques offer suggestions for activities that reduce stress. The inspiration section offers brief quotes to improve mood and motivation. The application can be used in conjunction with treatment by a mental health provider, as the app’s “coping cards” can be programmed to address specific concerns and relaxation tools can be used with a meditation partner, if desired.
No insurance needed
Always Free?
Service Focus
Depression, Stress, Suicide, Trauma
Research-Supported Treatments
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness
Age Groups Served
Adults, Seniors / Older Adults, Young Adults
Specialized Services for Gender Groups
Currently Unknown
Racial / Ethnic Groups Served
Currently Unknown
Specialized Services for LGBTQ+
Currently Unknown
Special Groups Served
Military, Veterans
English, Spanish, Chinese, German, Japanese, Polish
Currently Unknown
No wait / Can access immediately
Eligible States
National Availability (all 50 states)
Operating System
iOS, Android
Date Last Updated