Individual and Group Counseling for Child and Adolescents / Teens
BUILD Chicago
Can This Service Be Accessed Virtually / Remotely?
Service Description
BUILD’s Mental Health Program is designed to increase access to mental health care and substance abuse treatment for young people impacted by violence and trauma and address behavioral and social determinants of health and health disparities for the high need youth we serve in five of Chicago’s most challenged communities. BUILD’s MHP now includes three full-time clinicians and a part-time LCSW, who provide behavioral health services through: 1) individual and group therapy and psychosocial skills groups; 2) frontline crisis support and consultation; and 3) establishing referral partnerships and facilitating referrals. Young people come to MHP with a range of mental and behavioral health issues, our clinicians help them address those issues, manage symptoms and develop effective coping skills, self-efficacy and resilience. While treatment plans, strategies and activities vary for individual therapy, depending on each young person’s presenting issue, the program generally focuses on three treatment areas: 1) trauma, 2) grief and loss, and 3) emotional self-regulation, including anger management and distress tolerance. MHP staff use two treatment approaches: traditional talk therapy—and now, art therapy—in both individual and group settings, and within these settings, staff utilize the following evidence-based treatment methodologies: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).
No insurance needed, Medicaid / Public Insurance, Private insurance
Always Free?
Service Focus
Various Concerns, Addiction / Substance Misuse, Anxiety, Attention Problems, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Child Abuse or Neglect, Co-occurring Mental and Substance Use Disorders, Coping with COVID-19, Coping with Mental Health of Others, Coping with Natural Disasters, Coping with Race Related Stress / Trauma, Crime Victimization, Crisis Support, Depression, Disruptive Behavior and/or Conduct Problems, Domestic Violence, Eating Disorders, Gender-Based Harassment, Grief / Bereavement, Managing Medical Conditions (e.g., chronic pain, sleep problems), Parenting, Relationship Difficulties, Serious Mental Illness, Sexual Abuse/Assault, Stress, Suicide, Trauma, Weight Management
Research-Supported Treatments
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Medication Management Services?
Age Groups Served
Young Adults, Adolescents / Teens, Children
Specialized Services for Gender Groups
Currently Unknown
Racial / Ethnic Groups Served
Black / African American, Latinx / Latino / Hispanic
Specialized Services for LGBTQ+
Currently Unknown
English, Spanish
Visually Impaired, Physically Disabled
No wait / Can access immediately
Licensed Providers?
Eligible States
Humboldt Park Office, 3328 W. North Ave., Chicago, IL 60647
Phone Number
Date Last Updated