Our House
Our House
Can This Service Be Accessed Virtually / Remotely?
Currently Unknown
Service Description
Our House has provided a pathway out of homelessness for families and individuals in central Arkansas. Our House works with parents and children to help whole families build the skills, resources, and confidence to break the cycle of poverty and achieve their highest goals in life. Our House offers a Children’s Center after-school and developmental program, a career center, housing programs, and mental health resources. The mental health team provides free, on-site service to adults, children, and families. We offer individual, family, and group therapies and a wide array of mental health-focused classes, including women’s support groups, parenting workshops, anger management sessions, and recovery meetings. Mental Health services are only available for existing Our House clients.
No insurance needed
Always Free?
Financial Aid
Currently Unknown
Service Focus
Various Concerns, Addiction / Substance Misuse, Parenting, Trauma
Research-Supported Treatments
Currently Unknown
Medication Management Services?
Currently Unknown
Age Groups Served
Adults, Seniors / Older Adults, Young Adults, Adolescents / Teens, Children
Specialized Services for Gender Groups
Racial / Ethnic Groups Served
No specialized services
Specialized Services for LGBTQ+
No specialized services
Special Groups Served
Homelessness, Parents
Currently Unknown
No wait / Can access immediately
Licensed Providers?
Eligible States
302 E Roosevelt Road, Little Rock, AR 72206
Phone Number
Business Hours
Monday to Friday, 8am-4:30pm CT
Date Last Updated