A graphic with a blue background and orange accents that provide information about the study, the eligibility criteria, and how to register for the study.
Service Provider
Eating Anxiety Treatment Lab and Clinic
Can This Service Be Accessed Virtually / Remotely?
Service Description
The purpose of this clinical trial is to compare two five-week online eating disorder relapse prevention treatments. Participants will first complete a phone screening (approximately 60-90 minutes) to determine study eligibility. If you are deemed eligible to continue participating in the main portion of the study, participants will complete your first session which includes brief education about the online treatment. Participants will then complete baseline questionnaires (approximately 60-90 minutes). Participants will then complete an app-based behavior task that takes about 20-30 minutes. Upon completing the behavioral task, participants will complete the online relapse prevention treatment once per week (approximately 45-60 minutes) for 4 weeks. Following the final online session, participants will be asked to complete final questionnaires and the app-based behavior task. Participants will then be asked to complete follow up assessments 1 month and 6 months after completing the main portion of the study.
No insurance needed
Always Free?
Participant Payment
Up to $160
Available Until
Service Focus
Eating Disorders
Eligibility Criteria
You must be at least 18 years old to participate. You must also currently meet criteria for Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN), or OSFED-Atypical AN, must be medically stable, and discharged from a higher level of care (inpatient, residential, or partial hospital/day program) within the past month.
Age Groups Served
Adults, Young Adults
Specialized Services for Gender Groups
No specialized services
Racial / Ethnic Groups Served
No specialized services
Specialized Services for LGBTQ+
No specialized services
Special Groups Served
Not applicable
Currently Unknown
No wait / Can access immediately
Licensed Providers?
Eligible States
National Availability (all 50 states)
Date Last Updated